I have been asked by many to give a list of great personal development books. I always hesitate to recommend any since some will read one of the books, think it's bad and then discard the entire list. So know in advance that you may read these books and hate one or all of them.
They may not be relevant to you or your life based on where you are at the moment you are reading the book. Books sometimes work for you based on your own timing. If the book resonates with you, then the timing was right for you to read the book. If it doesn't, it doesn't mean that it is a bad book, just that the timing wasn't right for you to read it.
Another thing: Don't expect too much from any book. You only need one good idea for a book to be a great book. Every page doesn't have to be filled with earth-shattering, life-changing wisdom. One good idea is all you need. Read the book looking for that one good idea that you can act on. One idea, acted on, is more than worth the price of a book.