SAN ANTONIO — The National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) should organize a campaign that would make consumers as aware of NAHU membership as they are of National Association of Realtors membership.
Don Goldmann, a California benefits sales education manager, proposed that idea here at the 2011 annual convention of NAHU, Arlington, Va.
NAHU Officer Races
Goldmann, a NAHU regional vice president, is competing with another NAHU regional vice president, Ruthann Laswick of Phoenix, to be NAHU's next secretary.
NAHU also has two candidates for the office of treasurer. Ryan Thorn is squaring off against Chris Harrison.
The candidates have been promoting themselves with stickers, convention badge holder lanyards, and chocolate bars and chocolate coins.
The candidates themselves have said they agree on most issues, such as the need to increase NAHU's membership.
Harrison has made a point of focusing on the need to strengthen NAHU's professional development programs.