How would you define the term "canvassing" (as in "canvassing the neighborhood")?
Here's one definition: The activity of soliciting votes and locating supporters. Traditionally done by tramping the streets from house to house, culminating in persuading those who have previously promised to support one's party to come out and vote for it.
That's according to Wikipedia (the resource for everything, by the way).
Is that you? Do you want it to be you? Tramping the streets going from house to house (or business to business)? After all, this is why NO SOLICITING signs were invented.
There are lots of creative signs out there. Here's my favorite.
But I digress.
Now don't get me wrong. I believe canvassing is an excellent technique for getting business, provided it's done properly. Think about it: How much more success would you have if you viewed canvassing as a marketing approach, rather than a sales approach? A tough sell, I know.
If you're already having great success (as in writing lots of business) canvassing and you're having fun, great! Keep on keeping on! If you're struggling and need some direction, listen up. Because walking into a business (that's not yours) in the middle of the work day to sell stuff that they probably don't want and didn't plan the time to think about — well, that's a tough sell.
Do you want to get more yes's while canvassing? Feel better about yourself? Gain more credibility? Develop more confidence? Have more success? Set more appointments? Build more relationships? Do more business?
Here's how.