How well can you make your case, advisors?

May 20, 2011 at 08:00 PM
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Having been subjected to dozens of sales presentation over the years, I have discovered most salespeople fail to deliver a great presentation. Here are few key points to consider as you prepare for your next sales presentation.

  • Start with impact: Don't waste valuable time talking about your company, products, services or solutions. Instead, demonstrate you understand your prospect's concern or issue. This captures the prospect's attention.
  • Show, don't tell: Whenever possible, use props in your presentation. Instead of telling your prospect the results you can help him or her achieve, show what you do. During a recent conference I went to, a sponsor said, "I can help you develop marketing materials," while she held up a brochure, a postcard and a letter she crafted for a client.
  • Use third-party testimonials: Consider the infomercial. The proven formula consists of identifying the problem followed by several testimonials that state how much better life is since using that particular product. You can use this approach, too, by showing your prospect a testimonial letter or video that outlines a key outcome similar to a situation he or she may be facing.
  • Change your focus: Most salespeople fail to make the presentation about the other person and use a lot of "I," "me" or "we" language. But your customer doesn't care about you. Customers want you to talk about them. They want to know how your service can help them.
  • Show the ROI: Every sales presentation must focus on how your customer will benefit. Use figures, numbers or dollars to demonstrate actual results. However, make sure it is easy to understand the bottom line. The less you try to "sell them" and the more you focus on helping them solve a problem, the more you stand out from your competition.
  • Address the risk: Virtually every new prospect you meet has some concern about using your product, service or company. In today's tough sales environment, it is essential you address this in your presentation. Don't ignore it.

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