Earlier this month, Facebook launched its new Facebook page design, equipped with a revamped layout and navigational properties. Facebook page administrators should become familiarized with the new design before they have to change it permanently on March 10. Here is a short overview of everything you need to know:
- The big difference is the new layout. The left-hand menu for editing pages has been removed in favor of a new navigation menu that replaces the old tabbing system. Much like the Facebook profiles redesign, the left-hand "Information" box is also gone. However, page administrators can now add info about their brand at the top of the page under the main title.
- In the right-hand menu, there is now a section that features the page's administrators, which is optional, as well as a section that shows users how many of their friends have also "liked" that particular page.
- Finally, just like profiles, a page can now feature a photo banner, which displays the page's tagged photos in random order.
- Probably the most exciting feature of the redesign is the "Login as Page" feature, which gives administrators the ability to interact with the rest of Facebook as a page, not an individual. For example, I could log in as Financial Social Media and start commenting and "liking" things on Facebook pages that have "liked" Financial Social Media. Administrators will also see a different News Feed if they are logged in as their page; It will display the most important news from the pages you've "liked."
- Facebook is also adding an "Everyone" filter that brings the most interesting and engaging posts from a page's community to the top of the page. This makes it easier for users and administrators to easily find the most "liked" and commented conversations on a particular page. This will be helpful in ensuring you see the most popular discussions and content your users are engaging in.
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