If you got a call saying your child, visiting the ancient sites in Egypt with school, was missing from the group as crowds demonstrated in the beginning of the revolution there, what would you do? If your father was taken ill while on safari in Kenya, who would you call? If you discovered your identity had been stolen, what would your first move be?
While it would be comforting to have those answers at your fingertips, it would be even better to hear about threats when they are still in alert form and be able to avoid them altogether. That's the idea behind a new service for wealthy families, according to Family Wealth Alliance (FWA) CEO Tom Livergood. FWA will roll out the new idea later this year.
Threat Awareness
Livergood has a new idea, one that FWA is rolling out later this year. The new initiative that is one part Kroll, one part U.S. State Department/Homeland Security/Navy Seals, one part concierge medicine, and one part family manager. The Alliance Security Council will bring together expertise in many areas of risk and threat assessment and prevention for families, with the idea that if families know the risks they face, this can help prevent them from occurring. But, if the unthinkable happens, there is also help.