On Wednesday, Feb. 9, AdvisorOne's editors will host the third in a four-part free Webinar series on the burgeoning global ETF market, which now encompasses 3,500 products totaling $1.5 trillion in assets. Programmed by the editors of Investment Advisor and Research magazines and AdvisorOne.com, the third Webinar in the series—each of which is pre-approved for one hour of continuing education (CE) credit from the CFP Board of Standards—will focus on the latest products and trends in ETFs, and how best to use them in client portfolios.
Featuring Ron DeLegge (left) of ETFguide.com and Standard and Poor's Thomas Graves and Vaughan Scully, the Webinar will be held from 3:00-4:00 PM EST. Moderated by AdvisorOne Editor Gil Weinreich, expected topics include target-date funds; volatility plays; Asian growth investing; ETF exotica; active ETF investing; price competition among ETF providers; how best to build ETF portfolios; and due diligence concerns. Additionally, questions from webinar attendees will be encouraged.
To register for the Feb. 9 event and for more information, please visit our registration page at AdvisorOne.com.