Infomercials help brands sell more than $4 billion dollars of products and services every year. While some view infomercials as second-rate campaigns, in general, they work. So whether you use the medium, following these three elements of what makes them so successful is smart business.
1. Infomercials build a comprehensive and convincing case. They are designed to capture viewers' mindshare, inspire them to write down the phone number, dial it and buy. And the only way that happens is if the infomercial works as a complete stand-alone sales presentation. The goal is to build a case for buying by giving viewers all of the information they need to make a purchasing decision. They explain every benefit, answer all objections and then do it again.
2. Infomercials present testimonials to eliminate objections. Infomercials prove the worthiness of a product by showing it in action and then presenting the results with real customers. The goal is to inspire action by taking all of your objections away. But if you can't use testimonials in your business, don't worry. You can still verbally explain what others have said about your service and personal touch. For example: "The best way to describe what we do is by sharing what one of our clients said last week…"
3. Infomercials provide strong and immediate calls to action. Infomercials make a very specific offer. They don't give you lots of options or choices to customize; instead, they make the recommendation easy to understand. You essentially have only two choices: buy or don't buy. And to get you to act right away, the offer is typically doubled or accompanied by an additional free product.