Making the Future Happen

November 19, 2010 at 10:46 AM
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Each of the experts interviewed for this article has a slightly different take on the challenges we will face in the future, but there was a great deal of unanimity on how we want to get there:

  • By helping to educate clients—and, ultimately, more young Americans—about financial choices
  • By providing more value through a deeper understanding of the human element in our work
  • By differentiating ourselves more strongly with wide-angle, holistic assessments of each client's life
  • By helping clients think about game-changing ideas and trends outside the financial world
  • By stretching our own minds to contemplate new developments that will shape the future
  • By finding or inventing better language to describe money relationships
  • By adjusting our and our clients' expectations to real-world conditions, not just "canoes and sunsets"
  • By encouraging definitions of success that recognize the importance of values and include family, community, creativity and health

Clearly, all the ideas in this wish list are focused on seeking new and innovative ways to help your clients achieve their goals. With your help, one day in the unknowable future they will see their deeply cherished dreams come true.