The No. 1 business survival skill is not sales, marketing, financial or time management. It isn't emotional intelligence or customer service. And it's not social media savvy. It's learning. Here are five keys to learning how to learn.
1.) Be curious. As successful business owners, our rapid-fire responses and solutions help us succeed, but sometimes our blind spots get in the way of the truly brilliant idea. Demonstrating curiosity while maintaining credibility takes learning and practice.
2.) Listen completely without being distracted. A tendency to multi-task can cause you to miss some questions your prospects wanted to ask but were afraid to. Maybe you are relying too much on the structured factfinder.
3.) Be open to new perspectives. It takes a conscious decision to really be open, so you don't automatically dismiss someone else's ideas.
4.) Demonstrate respect for a teacher. In martial arts, the student is required to "surrender" to the master or sensei. The purpose of this is to consciously allow yourself to be taught.