For those of you sick of my weekly bizarre rants, your wish has come true – sort of. With the launch of our new AdvisorOne portal, Boomer Watch e-newletters will no longer be available. Rather, a slew of new e-newsletters will be available from the new site. So what exactly is AdvisorOne? will aggregate and curate content from across the Web–content that you've said you wanted and needed. We'll continue to create our own content on the Web and in our print publications–Investment Advisor and Research magazine–but being good listeners, we know you need more than what we alone can offer. So we'll aggregate content from the Wall Street Journal and the Associated Press, along with content from hundreds of other, more specialized sources.
We'll provide you with market data and analysis. We'll provide commentators who are experts in everything from advanced tax planning to managed futures to, our sweet spot, practice management–again, all on one site. Many of those commentators will also deliver data that's difficult, expensive, or impossible for the average advisor to get. We'll reach out to you with breaking news and focused news. We'll build communities of interest all at one site,