Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Colorado will provide a premium credit totaling $20 million to about 90,000 individual health care insureds in the state.
In an agreement with the Colorado Department of Insurance (DOI), Anthem agreed to provide the credits to individuals insured by Anthem with certain individual health insurance policies from Jan.1 through Sept. 30.
Anthem, Denver, said it agreed to refund the policyholders either with a one-time premium credit on their December statement or through a check.
In October 2009, the Colorado DOI had approved three individual health insurance rate filings from Anthem for 2010 for individual health care policies. Then, following what the DOI called a "spike in consumer complaints" about the company, the DOI earlier this year intiated a market-conduct examination of the increases.
"Getting $20 million back into the pockets of Colorado consumers is a positive and beneficial outcome," said Colorado Insurance Commissioner Marcy Morrison. "We will continue our active review of all rate filings."