Originally seen on www.bloggingfingers.com, here are some great tips for beginning bloggers and those thinking about starting one, written by U.K. entrepreneur Adnan Ebrahim, creator of www.blogtrepreneur.com and www.CarThrottle.com.
1. Blogging is not a make-money-overnight solution. The truth is, bloggers can and must spend a lot of time tweaking their designs, writing pages of content, contacting other sites for a link-out or marketing their site in order to try and create a revenue stream, especially if they are a newbie starting from scratch. Perseverance is vital, and the efforts you put in today will hopefully pay off tomorrow.
2. It's lonely at the bottom. It can be very lonely trying to raise the profile of your site while starting out as the billionth blog in the blogosphere. When I started Blogtrepreneur, traffic was in the 10s, not the 1000s. But, believe in yourself and what you are doing and you will have something to show for it.
3. At the beginning, having good content is not the only thing you should worry about. I once heard a very good analogy about sites: a new website is like owning a shop in the middle of the desert. The internet is vast and unless you tell people about your creation, you can't expect to have any customers. "Content is king"– but without a decent marketing plan, you have failed to prepare and thus are preparing to fail.