"You gotta work with Vernon!" Recently, Vernon Cale began a new million-dollar relationship with a client who was introduced to him by a home remodeler who is in Vernon's network. The home remodeler's endorsement of Vernon to his client was short and emphatic: "You gotta work with Vernon!"
Vernon (not his real name) has been an advisor for 15 years, is a CFP, has $90 million under management, and runs a 90% fee-based business.
Every one of Vernon's new client introductions come from a center-of-influence network that Vernon has built. Originally part of a larger national networking group, two years ago Vernon and 12 other professionals split off to form their own association, the Business Administrative and Networking Development (BAND). Other BAND members include an attorney, a mortgage agent, a realtor, life and health agent, a property and casualty agent, a CPA, a heating and air conditioning contractor, a home improvement contractor, a photographer, an auto body repair owner, accounting services, a home inspector, and a computer repair consultant.