Ten tips for selling life insurance to women

April 12, 2010 at 08:00 PM
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  1. Understand her situation–ask questions and learn about her.
  2. Don't sell her, let her buy–pushy salesmen have no pull with smart buyers.
  3. Really listen–listen and learn.
  4. Solve her problems–be solution-focused, rather than transaction-focused; telling her about a similar problem you've solved for someone else will help her identify with and gain confidence in you.
  5. Use testimonials – don't shy away from letting a third party say nice things about you–use testimonials from people she admires.
  6. Help her finalize her decision–help her decide but only after you understand what's driving her hesitation.
  7. Follow up, follow up–becoming a missing person after only one meeting convinces her why you were there in the first place … to sell her, not serve her … so follow up.
  8. Give her some breathing space–she was kind enough to give you time to make your presentation, give her time to digest it and make a decision.
  9. Ask for referrals–word of mouth goes a long way with a woman; once you've established a rapport and relationship, ask for those referrals.
  10. Turn the relationship into a partnership–stay in touch with her after the sale; commit to a relationship.

Cynthia Tidwell is president/CEO of Royal Neighbors of America.