It is a well-known fact in the advising world that LTCI sales are among the toughest and most time consuming, and in the wake of the economic downturn, consumers are becoming even more wary of extra expenditures.
These obstacles can become compounded, and even the most savvy advisor may begin to feel less than confident about his LTCI sales ability. To combat self-doubt, take a stand against common LTCI notions and prejudices and start looking at the product in smarter light.
The first step is to educate yourself. The public's LTCI IQ has been growing by leaps and bounds and it's up to you to keep yourself aware of recent updates. Nothing will kill a potential sale faster than an advisor being unable to answer LTCI questions thoughtfully and with honesty. Network with LTCI specialists, attend sales seminars or Webinars and make it a point to learn something new about the product every week. Knowledge isn't only power, it's money in your pocket.