America's Health Insurance Plans' new ongoing training course is now available. As most LTCI agents know, after you have completed the initial LTCI training, you have to take ongoing training every two years. And AHIP provides the training you need. Our four-hour ongoing course has been approved by 23 states so far. It now available on our website (, and classroom training is being conducted.
All state-approved ongoing courses cover the required topics. But AHIP's course not only provides a comprehensive discussion of LTCI and LTC partnerships, it tells you what you need to know to remain ahead of the curve — we give you the latest information on new LTCI product features and designs, market trends, long-term care costs and regulatory developments. For those who want not just the basics, but a competitive edge, this is the course.
In this month's article, we discuss how agents can fulfill the ongoing training requirements of multiple states. And as always, we provide updated information on the training requirements and regulatory developments in all 50 states. We draw your attention in particular to changes in Iowa, Vermont and Wyoming.
Ongoing training — state-specific content?
As those in the field know, almost all the states that have established long-term care partnerships in recent years have adopted the model of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) for producer training. But many of these states modify this model somewhat by requiring training in state-specific content (the Medicaid and partnership rules particular to the state and sometimes the state's LTCI regulations). This has meant that while an agent can fulfill the initial training requirement of about half the states by taking only an NAIC model course, for the other half he or she must take another hour or two of state-specific training.
What about the ongoing training — the four-hour course that producers must take every two years after completing the initial training? Can agents take one course and meet the requirements of all states? Or must they take state-specific content for some states, as they do for the initial training?
Good news! Very few states are requiring state-specific content for the ongoing training. And even for those states, nonresident agents may not have to take it. So an agent who takes a four-hour NAIC model course for one state meets the requirements of almost all other states.
The exceptions:
- Colorado requires five hours of ongoing training, including state-specific content. But nonresidents may to able to qualify with a four-hour NAIC course by means of reciprocity (see Colorado entry below).
- Minnesota requires state-specific content.
- South Carolina requires a short state supplement.
- Washington requires state-specific content, but both residents and nonresidents can use a course taken for another state, such as a four-hour NAIC course, to qualify. (However, they will not receive CE credit — see Washington entry.)
- Wisconsin requires the same two hours of state content as for the initial course.
The bottom line — meeting the ongoing training requirements of multiple states is much easier than for the initial training. By taking one four-hour NAIC course, you can qualify in almost all states. And if you need to take state content in addition to the NAIC course, you can do so through AHIP.
Training deadlines
A reminder of upcoming deadlines:
- Dec. 31, 2009–Alabama*
- March 31, 2010–Vermont (new agents only)
- July 1, 2010–Kansas, West Virginia*, and Wyoming
* The deadline was for existing LTCI agents; new agents in these states had to complete the initial training before selling policies. For details, see state reports below.
State reports
Note: California, Connecticut, Indiana and New York have had long-term care partnership programs in operation for several years and are often referred to as the "original partnership" states. These programs are in many ways different from the new partnerships currently being established in other states in response to the federal Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005. Their training requirements do not follow the NAIC model created to implement the DRA and adopted by most new partnership states. Therefore, agents who take training based on the NAIC model will not meet the requirements of the four original states, and those who take partnership training in one of the original states will not meet the requirements of the new states. (However, a few new partnership states may accept the training of an original partnership state — when in doubt, check with the new state.)
Check with your carrier!
We would like to remind agents that some states do not review and approve courses as meeting their LTCI/LTC partnership training requirements. In these states, it is up to the carrier to decide whether a course fulfills the state requirements. And in all states, carriers must track agents' completion of the required training. So in seeking to meet state training requirements, always check with the carrier or carriers you represent.
Alabama. All LTCI agents must complete an eight-hour initial training course. The course must be based on the NAIC model (no state-specific content required) and approved by the state for long-term care CE credits. Courses approved for general CE do not fulfill this requirement, even if they address long-term care and have "long-term care" in the title. (AHIP's course is approved for LTC and fulfills the requirement.) Agents already licensed for LTCI before March 1, 2009, have until Dec. 31, 2009, to complete the initial training; new agents (those not already licensed before March 1, 2009) must complete the initial training before selling LTCI.
Agents are also required to complete four hours of ongoing training for every 24-month license renewal period beginning in 2010. This means that during the first renewal period an agent may have to take both the initial and the ongoing training (12 hours total). For example: Beth renewed her license in May (her birth month) of 2008 and must renew it again in May 2010. She must complete the initial training by Dec. 31, 2009, and she must complete the ongoing training by May 2010, for a total of 12 hours this renewal period. But when she renews in May 2012, she will have to take only a four-hour ongoing course.
Alaska. No action to establish an LTC partnership has been reported. To sell LTCI, an agent must be licensed to sell health insurance — there are no training requirements specific to LTCI.
Arizona. As of June 30, 2009, all LTCI producers must complete eight hours of initial training based on the NAIC model before selling LTCI. Producers must also complete four hours of ongoing training during each 24-month period beginning July 1, 2009, after the 24-month period in which they completed the initial training.
Arkansas. As of July 1, 2009, all LTCI agents must complete eight hours of initial training before selling LTCI. The content of this training is based on the NAIC model plus a state-issued supplement on the Arkansas partnership and Medicaid programs. Agents must also complete four hours of ongoing training during every 24-month license renewal period after the period in which they completed the initial training.
California is one of the original partnership states (see note above). Before selling partnership policies, agents must complete eight hours of general long-term care training and eight hours of training specific to the California LTC partnership. The partnership-specific training must be received in a classroom setting. In addition, eight hours of ongoing classroom partnership training must be taken during every two-year license approval period.
Colorado. All resident LTCI agents must complete 16 hours of initial training before selling LTCI. This training must include the topics of the NAIC model plus substantial additional content, as stipulated by the state. Eight hours must cover long-term care and long-term care insurance and can be classroom, self-study, or Internet-based; the other eight hours must focus on partnership and must be classroom training. Agents must also complete five hours of ongoing training (classroom only), including state-specific content, during every 24-month CE period after the period in which they completed the initial training.
Nonresident agents can sell LTCI (including partnership policies) in Colorado without fulfilling the above requirements (for both initial and ongoing training) if all of the following conditions are met:
- Their home state has an LTC partnership.
- They meet their home state's training requirements for partnership policies (even if the state requires less than 16 hours or its rules otherwise differ from Colorado's).
- They hold a Colorado nonresident license for life insurance or accident and health insurance.
If a nonresident agent's home state does not have a partnership, the agent must fulfill Colorado's requirements, even if she meets the home state's requirements for nonpartnership LTCI. If the home state has a partnership but the agent meets the training requirements only for nonpartnership LTCI policies, she must fulfill Colorado's requirements.
Connecticut is one of the original partnership states (see note above). To sell partnership policies, an agent must complete first a prerequisite online course approved by the partnership program and then four hours of classroom instruction conducted by partnership program staff.
Delaware. No action to establish an LTC partnership has been reported. To sell LTCI, an agent must meet the training requirements for a health insurance license and also, every two years, complete a three-hour course in LTCI approved by the state.
District of Columbia. No action to establish an LTC partnership or new LTCI training requirements has been reported. Currently there are no training requirements specific to LTCI — an agent must simply be licensed to sell life and health insurance.
Florida. At present, all LTCI agents must complete eight hours of initial training based on the NAIC model before selling LTCI policies. Agents must also complete four hours of ongoing training every 24 months, beginning on the date they completed the initial training. In addition, the state is currently developing a rule under which agents will have to complete two hours of Florida-specific training (on the state's Medicaid and partnership programs and its regulations), either as part of the initial eight-hour training or in addition to it. (This rule is expected to be finalized soon, but it is not yet in effect.)
Georgia. Agents intending to sell partnership policies (not all LTCI agents) must complete initial training before selling. The initial training consists of the NAIC model plus two hours of state-specific content, for a total of eight hours. Georgia resident agents who have already taken the training required to sell partnership policies in another state may receive up to six hours credit for that training and need to take only the two hours of Georgia-specific training. Nonresident agents who are qualified to sell partnership policies in their home state need to take only the Georgia-specific training.
Agents selling partnership policies must also take four hours of ongoing training during every two-year license renewal period, which runs from Jan.1 to Jan. 1. The first ongoing training must be completed by the second Jan. 1 after completion of the initial training. To give some examples: Mary Jones completed the initial training on Oct. 14, 2008; she has until Jan. 1, 2010, to complete the first ongoing training. Bob Smith completes the initial training on Feb. 6, 2009; he has until Jan. 1, 2011.
Hawaii. In 2007, the legislature passed a bill requiring all LTCI agents to complete eight hours of training based on the NAIC model. But this requirement will not go into effect until the state's partnership program is established, and it is unclear when that might happen — a partnership bill failed to pass in the 2008 and 2009 legislative sessions but may be reintroduced in 2010. The bottom line for agents: There are no partnership training requirements in effect at this time; there will be no such requirements until the partnership is established; and when that occurs, agents will have one year from that date to complete the training.
Idaho. All LTCI agents must complete eight hours of initial training based on the NAIC model before selling LTCI products. They must also take four hours of ongoing training during every 24-month license renewal period after the period in which they completed the initial training.
Illinois. As of July 1, 2009, all LTCI agents must complete course 25008. To be approved by the state as 25008, a course must cover the NAIC content and provide at least eight hours of instruction. (AHIP's NAIC Model Course is approved.) Agents must also complete four CE credits in long-term care during each 24-month license renewal period after the period in which they completed the initial training.
Indiana is one of the original partnership states (see note above). To sell LTCI, agents must take eight hours of initial training and five hours of ongoing training every two years. To sell partnership policies, agents must also take seven hours of partnership training (classroom only). Agents licensed in another state are exempt from the general LTCI requirement, but to sell partnership policies they must receive the seven hours of Indiana partnership training.
Iowa. At present, LTCI agents must complete four hours of initial training based on the NAIC model (not the usual eight hours) and three hours of ongoing training during every three-year CE term. But the state has proposed a new training rule that is intended to become effective on Nov. 25, 2009. Under this rule, by Jan. 1, 2010, all LTCI agents will have to complete an eight-hour initial training course covering the NAIC model and content specific to Iowa's partnership and Medicaid programs. However, agents who have already taken the previously required four-hour course can fulfill the new requirement by completing an additional four-hour course focusing on LTC partnerships and the Iowa Medicaid program. The proposed rule states that the initial training should be in a classroom setting but allows that some self-study or online courses may be approved. Finally, under the new rule four hours of ongoing training (not three as previously required) must be completed during every three-year CE term. We emphasize that this rule is proposed but not final.
Kansas. Effective July 1, 2010, agents selling partnership policies (not all LTCI agents) must complete four hours of initial training. Partnership agents must also take one hour of ongoing training during every two-year license renewal period after the period in which they completed the initial training. In both cases, courses must be certified for partnership training by the Commissioner of Insurance.
Kentucky. The state's LTC partnership and related regulations are now in effect, and partnership policies are beginning to be approved and will be available soon. Agents intending to sell partnership policies (not all LTCI agents) must complete eight hours of initial training before selling. This initial training must cover the topics of the NAIC model as well as certain Kentucky-specific content stipulated by the state. Agents selling partnership products must also take four hours of ongoing training during each 24-month license renewal period after the period in which they completed the initial training. Note that although the state requires only agents selling partnership policies to receive this training, it is expected that many carriers will require all agents to take it. Nonresident agents who meet the partnership training requirements of their home state will not be required to meet Kentucky's requirements.
Louisiana plans very soon to submit to the federal government a state plan amendment (SPA) seeking authorization to establish an LTC partnership. Presently, there are no training requirements specific to long-term care insurance; to sell LTCI, agents must be licensed to sell accident and health insurance. However, the state is currently considering new LTCI requirements, expected to become effective in 2010. As these are developed, we will keep you informed.
Maine. All LTCI agents must complete eight hours of initial training based on the NAIC model before selling LTCI. An agent must also take four hours of ongoing training during every 24-month period beginning on the date he or she completed the initial training. The state recently submitted to the federal government a state plan amendment (SPA) seeking authorization to establish an LTC partnership, but this will not affect the training requirement.
Maryland. All LTCI agents must complete eight hours of initial training based on the NAIC model before selling LTCI. An agent must also take four hours of ongoing training during every 24-month period beginning on the date he or she completed the initial training.
Massachusetts. No action to establish an LTC partnership or new LTCI training requirements has been reported. The state does not currently have training requirements specific to LTCI; the only requirement is that LTCI agents be licensed to sell accident and sickness insurance and meet continuing education requirements for accident and sickness. However, carriers are required to provide agents selling LTCI with training in the product.
Michigan. The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the state are discussing issues involving Medicaid estate recovery, and this matter must be resolved before Michigan's partnership program can be approved and related training requirements issued. Progress continues to be made, but final resolution has not yet been reached.