Members of the American Academy of Actuaries formally elected 4 new regular directors at the group's annual meeting in Boston.
The 3 new regular directors, who will serve 3-year terms on the board of the AAA, Washington, are Mary D. Miller, a property-casualty actuary with the financial regulation division of the Ohio Department of Insurance; David Neve, vice president of Aviva USA, Des Moines, Iowa; and Tom Wildsmith, a consulting actuary with the Hay Group, Arlington, Va.
Ron Gebhardtsbauer, a faculty member at Penn State University, was elected by acclamation to serve as a director for a year to complete the term of Art Panighetti, a vice president at Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, who was named a vice president of the AAA.
For the first time, a rival candidate made a bid to be elected to the AAA board.
Tom Bakos, a Ridgway, Colo., consulting actuary, solicited proxies from other AAA members in the hope of being elected at the academy's annual meeting