As my business grows, I have come to recognize that I need an efficient way to "drip" or keep my name in front of clients as well as prospects. Although I write a monthly newsletter and e-mail it to clients and prospects alike, I find there is a need, at times, to send a more specialized or targeted message. In other words, I need to effectively convey my value proposition to the individual.
For example, I have a client for whom I created a comprehensive plan almost two years ago. Having done this, I know a great deal about him. I do not manage his assets; he does. However, since planning doesn't require the same frequency of contact as asset management, I am not in touch as much as I'd like to be. I'm only in contact with him when we need to update his plan. How do I keep my name in front of him, so that when he's ready to hand off the task of managing his accounts, he will think of me?
Another case is found in the individual for whom I do manage his assets and have done a financial plan, but who is not as motivated to update it. Even though I believe it is in the client's best interest to update the plan annually, if the client doesn't agree, then it doesn't happen.