This is a tough market. These are challenging times in which to sell, build, run or promote anything–no matter who you are. But those of us who are lucky enough to be in the life insurance business get to run our business exactly as we have always done by asking the same question over and over again: "Got Life?"
Got Life? is even more relevant today and moving forward into the future. Yes…the future. Remember that concept?
The future is that orientation of the spirit that exists just beyond the horizon and is closer to us than we ever can know in any given moment of time. And our business is about that future. These are precisely the times we should be asking "Got Life?"
It is not the market conditions that will negatively affect our way of life in the future–a future that begs to present itself on our doorstep in its own time, not ours. Rather, it may be the very silence that accompanies not asking the crucial question, Got Life?, that will place our families in harm's way.
Life insurance is so basic and so fundamental that we must never stop asking everyone we meet, "Got Life"? It is so fundamental to our economic health that the U.S. tax code encourages its purchase.
No matter where we turn, there is a reason to ask, Got Life? Every lawyer designing a client's last will and testament, a family trust, a business owner's transfer plan or a charitable giving strategy should be asking the question, Got Life?
Every CPA working on a client's tax plan should be asking the question, Got Life? It is our job to make sure these advisors are asking this critical question. It is our job to explain why this is such a fundamental question to ask to begin with. We have the training and tools to do so. We've Got Life.
Life insurance is every family's generator. It breathes life back into families when the future suddenly arrives. It restores financial security in the form of cash exactly when it is needed. We can't control much that happens to us in life but what we can control is how many times we ask the question, Got Life? There are many families who are happy that we did not stop asking this fundamental question.
Life insurance is the 'just-in-case' coverage we need no matter what stage of life we are in. The proceeds pay a family income for a surviving spouse to keep the family hearth afire. Life insurance provides the resources to fund an education or the care of a disabled child when the caregiver is no longer here. It replaces for the benefit of family members the gifts made to support a favorite charity.