If we told you Garry Madaline of United Retirement Advisors Group can make "taxes less taxing," would you listen to him? Who wouldn't?
"A taxable event is something every member of the investing public wants to avoid yet we're on the verge of one of the greatest tax breaks of all time," says Madaline. "Isn't it about time you got involved?
Most Roth IRAs will essentially be larger than their regular IRA counterparts, even if each has the same dollar amount. This is because the Roth IRA is fueled with after-tax dollars. With a regular or traditional IRA, a portion of the earnings will be taxed, but in a Roth IRA a client can keep the whole amount. And a bigger IRA means less tax and happier clients."
The big news
"In the year 2010 everyone can convert their traditional IRAs to a Roth IRA," he explains. "That's big news. You'll see not only why it's big news but you'll also see how you can use this opportunity to help your clients and grow your customer base."
Clients prefer the Roth because of the "control factor," notes Madaline, as it has more benefits and features than the Traditional IRA. But now this very good retirement planning vehicle is getting even better.