Well, here I am in a place I never expected to be-the blogosphere. Part of what this proves, I suppose, is that if you stick around long enough you're going to be doing a lot of things that were never in the original game plan.
In my close to 29 years at National Underwriter (and I know a lot of you are thinking how the hell has he lasted that long!'), I have seen amazing changes in the way news and commentary are delivered to our readers. Not only have I been witness to these changes, but I've been in charge of implementing them here at the Underwriter. Honestly, that's what's kept the job so much fun and so challenging over the years.
This is a great business to cover, contrary to the widespread misperception of the life insurance and health industry. What the agents and companies in this business do touches nearly every life in the United States in one way or another. This is a business founded on noble principles and aspirations, which continue to inspire the overwhelming number of practitioners, producers and companies.
I have no problem recognizing that when I see it, as I have done many times in print.