This past week was spent largely on creating a Web site, talking to prospective new custodians, placing a large life insurance policy, servicing my clients, and trying to get a stubborn transfer from a contra firm. Where do I begin?
Web Site
My site is nearly complete. We built it ourselves using a program called hostgator. Because we are renting server space from them (about $10 per month) we get to use their software for no charge. Granted, it's an old version, but it will suffice for now. Once we get this launched, we'll use a better software to create a new site.
When I first began, I didn't do much in the way of due diligence in selecting a custodian. Now, after about 14 months, I am finding many good choices. I also am finding there are a lot of differences between them. I am leaning hard toward one particular custodian and will let you know who I ultimately select. The point here…I am looking much more thoroughly at this than I did in the beginning.
I'd like to thank those of you who sent me an e-mail or posts with suggestions.
Life Insurance Policy