Marilyn Littlejohn, CFP, branch manager, Raymond James & Associates Inc., St. Petersburg, Fla.
1. Which retirement issue has hit you or your clients out of left field, and how did you resolve it?Littlejohn: At retirement, it's common that clients want to downsize their homes to save on costs and reduce maintenance. However, with the housing downturn, they either are reluctant to sell or are holding on to a former home after they have moved. Another factor here is the cap on property tax increases. Many retirees find that if they move, their property taxes are going to be much higher, even if the property value is lower in a new home.
2. Which prospecting methods have been most successful for you in attracting retirement-planning clients?Networking with executives retiring from the same local company is effective. I also networked with an outplacement agency that is hired by large companies to help executives that have been "downsized".