By Jim Connolly
Sebelius Notes Healthcare Approach of Dems And Republicans
San Francisco
Noting the different approach to healthcare advocated by Democrats and Republican presidential candidates, Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius noted that President Bush and now Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., the Republican presidential candidate, have been the beneficiaries of health care for decades" but now they would deny others the type of care that they have received. "In the absence of government health care, Bush and McCain and their families wouldn't have such health care because they receive it through their employer."
In an exclusive interview with National Underwriter, Sebelius noted, "I don't think that there is any question that the Democratic candidates support universal health care as one of the principles going forward. Sen. McCain is advocating more of the status quo."
The remarks were made in response to a question over whether the United States is becoming 2 Americas, with different access and quality of health care. Sebelius, a Democrat, was the keynote speaker during the summer meeting of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Kansas City, Mo. She has been referenced as a possible future candidate for national office.
Sebelius became Kansas' 44th governor in 2003 and was reelected in 2006.
Sebelius is a former Kansas insurance commissioner and NAIC president. During her tenure as insurance commissioner, she served as chair of the Health Insurance and Managed Care "B" Committee.
"I am hopeful that there will be a much more comprehensive solution to solving the health care crisis than just addressing health insurance," she said. Thirty cents on every dollar is used to cover administrative costs and 16 cents of every dollar is "the tax we pay for Americans who don't have insurance."