Investor optimism

Commentary May 19, 2008 at 08:00 PM
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  • 54%: Percentage of people who report feeling wealthier in 2008, down from 81 percent in 2007.
  • 25%: Percentage of people who are optimistic about their financial futures.
  • 58%: Percentage of people who think the U.S. economy is in a downturn and will get worse.
  • 62%: Percentage of people who say less than 100 percent of their current income will provide a comfortable retirement.
  • 40%: Percentage of high-net-worth individuals who worry they will outlive their savings, compared with 36 percent last year.
  • 50%: Percentage of people who worry about the effects of inflation on their nest egg.
  • 39%: Percentage of people who fear poor investment performance will diminish their assets.
  • 50%: Percentage of people who say they rarely seek professional advice to make major financial decisions; 41 percent say they currently do not have a primary financial advisor.
  • 49%: Percentage of people who feel real estate is a safer investment than the stock market.
  • 22%: Percentage of high-net-worth individuals who have put off any kind of estate planning.

Source: Phoenix Companies Inc.