The trend issue

March 31, 2008 at 08:00 PM
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With Senior Market Advisor's inaugural "trends issue," we take a look at what are the hottest niches in the industry that will make your practice thrive. From the "incredible, evolving annuity," to "life insurance through the eyes of experts," as well as features on sales, marketing and LTCI, this special section delivers the goods.

  • Through the eyes of experts
    by Mike Werling
    Life insurance may not be trendy, but there are trends that will affect advisors and the seniors they serve. Two of these are discussed in this article.

  • The incredible, evolving annuity
    by Joseph Finora
    Annuities promise and deliver innovation — with more to come.
  • Trends in sales techniques
    by Michael C. Slemmer
    "Sales" — is it a "four letter" word? Why would generating new business have such negative connotations? Times are changin' and the need for effective sales techniques has never been greater.
  • 2008: Reacting to a changing world
    by Richard N. Tooker
    There are two important trends that financial advisors need to be aware of, as they have the potential for dramatically affecting the way they do business in 2008 and beyond.
  • The long view
    by David Port
    It's been a slow road, but public acceptance of long term care insurance is gradually picking up. Becoming an expert on the evolving range of products will help get the message across to clients.