Why is selling so easy? Well, think about it. The other person is meeting with you and when he buys, he is putting his trust in you because you are an expert about something that is important to him. If he knew (or was interested in knowing) as much as you on the subject, you would not be necessary.
To make matters even better, this person already has an established and predictable way of making his buying decisions. When he made his first decision as a child, it was really, really hard. After doing it a few times, though, he discovered that he could make "making decisions" a lot easier if he just followed the same steps each time … like the way we all learned to tie our shoes a particular way as a child and still do the same way today.
The purpose of creating this decision-making strategy was to conserve time, energy and to reduce stress. The strategy could then become unconscious and from there it was easy to handle many more decisions by utilizing this strategy. The buyer had created predictability for himself.
Of course, the not-so-good news in this story is that like the buyer, you also developed a decision-making strategy. You also made this strategy unconsciously to save you stress and increase your efficiency. Why is this not such good news? Because, like the buyer, you forgot you have a strategy. Because you are the expert who is trying to help the other person, you unconsciously present everything in the form of a strategy… your own.
Why is that a problem? Well, on days you get lucky, it isn't a problem. You present what they need and need to hear, you happen to be in the ballpark of how they think, and when the other person says "yes," you feel great. You have no clue why they said "yes" when so many others say "no."