Success in a worksite benefits enrollment isn't defined necessarily by premium written. It comes about when the employer, employees, insurance carrier and broker realize they're better off after the enrollment than they were before.
That sounds obvious, but the process of building a successful enrollment is complicated. To help guide the worksite benefits agent or broker through the numerous fine points that need to be addressed, the following list can be useful. It can be used to create a uniform process for all enrollments and to build an environment that allows for improving future enrollments.
Carrier Considerations
Important considerations for carrier selection include:
oWide product menu.
oCompetitive underwriting offer and rates.
oStrong administrative systems to include accurate and reliable bills, prompt policy issuance and delivery.
oAccess to underwriters and policyholder service before and during an enrollment, which employers and employees alike will appreciate.
oThe ability to be consistent, yet also to go outside the box as needed.
To the enrollment firm showing a consistent ability to deliver to carriers what they want, carriers likewise should also help match enrollment companies and brokers with sales opportunities.
The Employer's Role
It is indispensable to have the commitment of the employer. Accounts should show support for your efforts by:
oValidating the process with access to employees via group and individual meetings.
oDuring the enrollment, providing internal support from department heads, supervisors and managers who understand the importance of the enrollment.
oProviding administrative support for payroll deductions, policy changes, additions, deletions and accounts payable.
When claims are paid, the employer reaps the recognition of having provided a wonderful benefit to their employees. There isn't any reason why the voluntary benefit package over time can't become the most stable benefit offered as compared to medical, dental and other benefits.
It's important to analyze a new enrollment opportunity thoroughly and to decline to take any case where you cannot reasonably expect to service and maintain the account continually.
Before, during and after the enrollment, a checklist of actions that are needed is a must. Key items in such a checklist include:
Before Enrollment
oSubmit the case setup enrollment form to the carrier for approval.
oConfirm date and exact location of group and individual employee meetings.
oIdentify any conflicts that would cause employees to be unable to attend meetings.
oPrepare announcement letters, posters, payroll stuffers, product handouts, Power Point presentation and employee interest sheets.