H.R. 4, the pension bill passed by the House Friday, includes provisions that could be good for the insurance industry.
Michael Kerley, senior vice president of federal government relations at the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, Falls Church, Va., gave that verdict in an assessment of the bill's provisions.
Members of the House created H.R. 4 by drawing heavily on a conference report draft created over many months by a House-Senate pension conference committee.
The conference committee has been trying to reconcile H.R. 2830, a major House pension system overhaul bill, and S. 1783, the Senate version.
The House Republican conferees stalled negotiations Thursday by refusing to sign the conference report.
Lawmakers unveiled H.R. 4, a bill that includes many conference report draft provisions, Friday to overcome strong Democratic opposition to proposals that would make sharp cuts in the estate tax.
Insurance industry groups found out about the details of H.R. 4, which passed 279-131, only after the final bill became available late Friday.