AIG American General Life Elite Survivor 2004
Low premium to carry; maximum death benefit; return of premium option; rolling targets
AIG American General Life Elite Survivor G
Full death benefit guarantees; maximum income; rolling targets
AIG American General Life Platinum Protector Survivor G
Minimum premium long term guarantee; maximum death benefits
AIG American General Life Platinum Survivor Ultra 2004
Low premium to carry; maximum death benefits; supplemental coverage
AIG American General Life Platinum Survivor Ultra-G
Death benefit guarantees; maximum retirement income; maturity extension
AmerUs Life Ultimate Survivor Series III
AXA Equitable Life Athena SUL II
Death benefit guarantees; low premium to carry; riders
Bankers Life of NY Survivorship Solution
Minimum premium to carry; underwriting
Banner Life Survivor Life
Death benefit guarantees to age 100; underwriting expertise; long term guarantees; maximum death benefits
First Colony Life Lifetime Provider (SM) SUL
Death benefit guarantee to age 100; business applications; rolling target
Indianapolis Life Horizon SUL 2001
Minimum premium to carry
ING "Reliastar Life" ING GPSUL
Death benefit guarantee to lifetime; table ratings dropped after year 20; table shaving
ING "Security Life of Denver" GSUL
Death benefit guarantee to lifetime
ING "Security Life of Denver" ING Explorer Survivorship UL
Long term cash accumulation; maximum retirement income
Jefferson-Pilot Life Duet 300 Plus
Extended maturity; low premium to carry; broad/favorable underwriting; built-in guaranteed death benefit
Jefferson-Pilot Life JPF Duet 300
Extended maturity; low premium to carry; rolling target premium; long term values
John Hancock Life Performance SUL
Extended maturity; secondary guarantees; long term values; rolling target premium; term blending
John Hancock USA Survivorship UL-G
Lifetime death benefit guarantee; rider flexibility
Lincoln National Life SUL LPR 6
Lifetime death benefit guarantee; flexibility
Lincoln National Life SUL DB
Low premium to carry; estate planning; estate equalization
Massachusetts Mutual Life Prestige Survivorship UL
Qualified markets; low cash value; broad underwriting; living benefits; long term values
Massachusetts Mutual Life Survivorship UL 10
Short term needs; low cost 10-year death benefit guarantee; broad underwriting classes
Massachusetts Mutual Life Survivorship UL+
Low endowment premium; low premium to carry; high cash value; maximum retirement income; broad/favorable underwriting
Massachusetts Mutual Life Survivorship UL Guaranteed
Lifetime death benefit guarantee; broad underwriting classes
MetLife Legacy Advantage SUL
Current assumption sales; death benefit guarantee; premium financing
Midland National Life Survivorship Innovation UL
High issue ages; death benefit guarantee to age 100; table shaving; low premium to endow & carry
Nationwide Life Legacy Provider SUL
Full death benefit guarantee
Northwestern Mutual Life SUL
Long term values
New York Life NYLIAC SUL
Low endowment premium; maturity extension; death benefit guarantees; expanded underwriting classes; business applications; living benefits rider
Pacific Life Estate Preserver II
Flexible long term guarantees; high early cash values; accounting benefit rider; accumulation sales; flexible target premiums
Penn Mutual Life Estate Max II
Low endowment premium; low premium to carry; long term values; full death benefit guarantee; large assortment of riders.
Principal Life Survivorship UL
Maturity extension; death benefit guarantee; accumulation values; standard, substandard & rated
Protective Life Survivor Select UL III
Full lifetime death benefit guarantee
Prudential Financial Life PruLife SUL Protector
Flexible death benefit guarantee up to lifetime; guaranteed duration premium solves; underwriting; maturity extension
Prudential Financial Life PruLife SUL Plus
Minimum premium to endow; premium finance using death benefit option C; underwriting; maturity extension
Security Mutual Life of NY Estate Conserver UL Gold
Low premium to endow & carry; broad/favorable underwriting; impaired risks; attractive target premiums
State Farm Life Second to Die
Death benefit & accumulation sales
Sun Life of Canada Survivorship UL – Plus
Flexibility; business applications; riders
Sun Life of Canada SUL – LP2