Industry optimism regarding long term care insurance has waned. Replacing it is a more realistic assessment of the market's potential and its challenges. Following 4 years of downturn, the LTC insurance industry is more pragmatic than ever about what's standing in the way of growth. This is good news for LTC insurance and suggests that what will emerge from the product's adolescence will be a more thoughtful and committed industry.
A majority of the near 90 LTC insurance professionals participating in LIMRA's Summer 2006 survey predict that the LTC insurance market is headed for moderate to strong growth over the next few years (Table 1). This seemingly zealous outlook is tempered by the harsh reality that individual LTCI sales are where they were in 1994. The group market has also fallen short of expectations and may see push back in the near term as companies scale back, rather than expand employee and retiree benefits. Steadfast, the LTCI industry looks to the future, anticipating that a reversal of the current declining sales trend is imminent.
LIMRA asked LTCI professionals to identify their greatest reasons for optimism about the future of the industry, as well as their biggest concerns. "Consumer awareness" tops both lists (Table 2).
Industry experts noted that Americans' awareness of LTC issues is on the rise, as is their knowledge of the existence of LTC insurance. Government initiatives are expected to further that awareness by increasing consumers' understanding of public programs' limitations.
Here are some of the things survey participants had to say about consumers' views on LTC insurance:
o "People are finally starting to get it!"
o "Boomers experiencing eldercare issues [are] now seeing the importance of having LTC insurance."