Ellyn McColgan, president of Fidelity Brokerage Company, renewed the call for Americans to get serious about saving for retirement, and urged plan sponsors and advisors to continue helping consumers plan for retirement during a speech at The National Press Club in Washington June 7.
Citing statistics from the recently released Fidelity Retirement Index, a first-of-its-kind survey showing the "retirement readiness" of American households, McColgan said that the typical American household has saved only $18,750 for retirement and is on track to replace only 59% of projected pre-retirement income at retirement. The majority of Americans, she said, are still relying on Social Security and pension benefits to help sustain them through retirement. The retirement index, part of Fidelity's income planning initiative launched last June, is based on a survey of more than 1,900 American households who work fulltime, are older than 25, and earn more than $20,000. Fidelity plans to report findings from its retirement index twice a year.