TORONTO (–Remolding its multi-strategy offering once again, Arrow Hedge Partners Inc. this week launched their Arrow Multi-Strategy Notes Series I for Canadian retail investors.
The notes' performance is linked to the Arrow Multi-Strategy Hedge Fund, which is a fund of funds that currently invests in 16 hedge fund managers. Upon the introduction of the note format, the firm will add on four additional hedge fund managers. The fund is also offered as an open-end trust and a registered savings plan fund Previous HedgeWorld Story.
The fund invests across nine investment strategies that include: long/short equity; equity market neutral; high-yield hedge, risk arbitrage; convertible arbitrage; fixed-income arbitrage; distressed securities; managed futures; and global macro.
BNP Paribas SA will provide investors with the principal repayment guarantee at maturity plus any appreciation in the value of the fund. BNP Paribas (Canada) is issuing the notes that are linked to the Arrow multi-strategy fund's absolute return objective of 7% to 9% after fees.