Consider Disability Scenarios In Buy-Sell Planning
When most agents and brokers hear the phrase buy-sell planning," one of the first things that comes to mind is a life insurance sales opportunity.
However, focusing only the problems created by the death of a business owner may leave many other important issues unattended. Most notably, what will happen to the business if a partner or other person with a significant ownership share becomes disabled?
Considering disability scenarios in buy-sell planning is crucial. The buy-sell agreement should contain provisions that address situations created by the disability of a partner or major stockholder.
As the scenarios shown in the chart illustrate, a disability can create business problems that would not be encountered at the death or other termination of a part owner. A quick review indicates that each situation presents a unique problem.
Therefore, the first step in the planning process should be understanding the potential problems created by the disability of a partner or owner and drafting buy-sell agreement language that addresses such scenarios.
The next step is to provide a mechanism that will give the healthy owners access to the funds necessary to buy out the disabled owner. Disability Buy Out (DBO) coverage is designed specifically for this purpose. Benefits from a DBO contract may be paid in a lump sum or in a series of installment payments. DBO policies can be used in cross-purchase, entity-purchase or trusteed cross-purchase arrangements.