NU Online News Service, Sept. 24, 11:05 a.m. – PacifiCare of Oregon, Lake Oswego, Ore., has announced premium and benefits changes for its 35,000 Secure Horizons Medicare+Choice health plan members in 2002.
Pacificare is reducing Medicare HMO service because of persistent Medicare medical cost inflation; a 2% cap on increases in federal Medicare reimbursement; and limits on the supplemental premiums Pacificare can pass on to members who would like to keep their coverage, the company says.
PacifiCare will continue to operate Medicare HMO programs with 1 million members, but it will be reducing benefits and increasing the supplemental premiums for those members, the company says.
The company said the financial relief it received through the Benefits Improvement and Protection Act has allowed it to either maintain or reduce member premiums throughout its service area.