Outrage Over 'Homophobic Letters'
To The Editor:
I was disappointed that such an esteemed journal as yours would have published the homophobic letters of D. Dahl and James L. Williamson (see NU, July 23). Issues related to financial planning sales and marketing should have nothing to do whatsoever with potential users' sexual preference.
"Non-traditional couples" might be more accurately referred to as "same-sex unions," since the use of the word "non-traditional," a noxious euphemism, smacks of the same ill-informed Biblical judgment expressed by Williamson, if not Dahl.
And further, to assume that the need for financial planning resources is inspired by a plea for approval/acceptance, as opposed to the same financial needs we all seek, is a quantum leap of logic I find unfathomable.
This kind of dialogue (more aptly titled, diatribe) has no place in a credible business journal.
Kip Whitefield
Via e-mail
To The Editor:
It is a damn shame that the only letters that you chose to print were narrow-minded and prejudiced.
It is quite amazing to me that people like Dahl and Williamson profess to believe in a Christian God, yet they are completely intolerant of people whose only crime is to love differently than they do. Wouldn't their Christian God want them to be tolerant of others who are different than they are?
How dare Williamson refer to a homosexual lifestyle as "illegitimate" and then invoke the Bible (which, by the way, was written by man) as justification! How dare Dahl state that same-sex couples create "cultural turmoil"! Who made them God? Bigoted people like them, whose bigoted views are rooted in religion, make me very glad that I am an atheist.
I wake up thankful every day that people like Dahl and Williamson live in other parts of the country so that we do not have to share the same air!
Paul N. Donas, CLU, ChFC, RHU, REBC, LUTCF