I have put a lot of cold calling resources for you at www.billgoodmarketing.com/coldcalling. There you will find my previous articles on cold calling and lots of other goodies. To avoid Basic Mistake No. 1, you badly need my cold calling calculator. You will find a link on this page.
Strategy 1
Manage 'No Contact' Quickly
When cold calling, the biggest hurdle is no contact. Assumption: you are dialing small business owners.
YOU: 801-992-6868. 1 ring. 2 rings. 3 rings. 4 rings. Disconnect.
YOU: Immediately dial 801-997-6666. 1 ring. 2 rings.
RECEPTION: Good morning, Loblaw Company.
YOU: Good morning. This is Bob DaBlob. I'm calling from Reliable Securities. May I speak to Mr. Loblaw please?
RECEPTION: I'm sorry he's not in right now. May I take a message?
YOU: No thank you. I'll call back. 801-641-2345. 1 ring.
JOE: Joe's Plumbing. Joe speaking.
YOU: Good morning, Joe. This is Bob DaBlob at Reliable Securities.
JOE: Oh no! Not another broker. Can't you guys get it through your thick skulls I'm not interested, not now, not ever?
YOU: Sorry to bother you. Thank-you-very-much. Click, dial tone, marks list "Perm Off." 801-333-4444. 1 ring. 2 rings.
RECEPTION: Throckmorten and Company. Good morning.
YOU: Good morning. This is Bob DaBlob. Barbara Throckmorten, please.
RECEPTION: One moment please.
ASSISTANT: Good morning. Barbara Throckmorten's office. How may I help you?
YOU: Good morning. This is Bob DaBlob. Who am I speaking with?
ASSISTANT: Clementina Domenica.
YOU: Good morning, Clementina. Again, I'm Bob DaBlob with Reliable Securities. I have some important information for Barbara. It's a white paper, "Six Steps to Financial Independence for Woman Business Owners." It is important we speak. Could you connect me please?
ASSISTANT: She's tied up in a meeting right now, would you like to leave a message on her voicemail?
YOU: Sure. But in case I get disconnected, what's her direct extension number?
YOU: Thank you. Connects to VM. You disconnect.
Note the direct extension. This number now goes in your "Call early" pile. You will call just before 8:00 or during lunch when the lion at the gate is not likely to be on guard and growling.
Hint: Don't leave messages of any kind. Do ask for the direct extension number.
Strategy 2
Use a Negative Opening
RECEPTION: Hubert's Sports Bar and Grill
YOU: Good morning. (Shut up.)
RECEPTION: How can I help you?
YOU: Humphrey please.
RECEPTION: May I tell him who is calling?
YOU: Bob DeBlob. It's about his tax saving strategy.
HUMPHREY: Humphrey here.
YOU: Good morning, Humphrey. This is Bob DaBlob. I'm with Reliable Securities here in Park City. I'm guessing you have seen our offices on Prospect Street, correct?
HUMPHREY: Yes. I know who you are.
YOU: I'm calling because I have some important information for small business owners who do not have a 401(k) or other tax saving retirement plan. Does that sound like you?
Benefits of a negative opening: 1. They have to think for a minute. 2. Have not heard it before. 3. Quickly disqualify. 4. Build a list for another type of call, which brings us to our next type of call.
Strategy 3
Don't Pivot
Let's continue our conversation with Humphrey. You have just asked if he has a tax saving retirement account.
HUMPHREY: We have a 401(k), actually. We set it up three years ago. We have about 90% participation.
YOU: That's great. Good job. Thank you very much for your time. 801-576-4848.
The conversation could have gone like this: